Kingdom Partner

We believe that the CHURCH of Billings is not a building but rather a people: everyone who professes Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior! Until now, this event has been funded by a group of churches, as well as individual offerings and merchandise sales at the event.

As this event grows, our hope is two-fold:

Find Kingdom Partners - businesses that will help cover the cost of the event. ($12-15K)

Create Generations Impact

To invest in the youth of our city for the sole purpose of seeing our kids come to know God and have a life-changing encounter with Jesus.

The 4th Annual citywide worship night hosted by multiple local churches will be held on August 20th, 2023 at Swords Park on the Rimrocks overlooking the city.

We believe this event is more than just a worship night event, which by itself is pretty amazing! We feel God calling us to also express our worship in giving back to our city, specifically for our YOUTH!

All money raised through individual offerings, merchandise sales, and sponsorships beyond the cost to cover the event will go back to the community via scholarships for youth camps/retreats, provide training/materials needed by churches/local ministries, etc.

Three ways to become a KINGDOM PARTNER

*All donations are tax-deductible under our 501c3.
Kingdom Partners will receive advertising on the website and Facebook page.

Monetary Donation Sponsor Levels:

Bronze – $250
Silver – $500
Gold – $1000
Diamond – $5000 or more

Host a bus!

$350 per bus (we bus everyone from Metra Park to Swords Park!)

*You also have the option to provide bus attendants to assist those coming to the event. This can be a fun team-building opportunity as well as a great ministry/outreach!

Provide a service!

If you have a service or equipment you feel would be of benefit, I would like to talk to you directly to discuss our needs!

Become a Kingdom Partner